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Stop skipping lunch to lose weight

Skipping Lunch to Lose Weight? Try Eating Lunch Early Instead!

January 29, 2013

Many people think that skipping lunch to lose weight is effective and the easiest way to shred the pounds. The truth is, one of the best and most efficient ways to get rid of unwanted weight is to get your heart pumping on commercial fitness equipment. There is no shortcut to losing weight.

For the past 30 years, TRUE fitness has helped people reach their goals by providing equipment with smooth movement, quiet operation, and rugged durability. With preset and custom programs, you can truly receive the workout perfect for your own level of fitness. Forget starving and skipping lunch to lose weight. All of the ellipticals, bikes, and treadmills are designed with your comfort in mind. When you step off of the treadmill, maintaining a healthy diet is also a must if you wish to stay slim and trim. Additionally, new studies are finding that the time you eat your meals can make a difference in how much weight you actually lose.

Why an Early Lunch Instead of a Later Lunch?

Studies are finding that those who tend to eat lunch earlier in the day lose more weight than those who opt for a later or no lunch. In the study published in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers at the University of Murcia in Spain and Tufts University in Boston studied 420 overweight and obese participants for a 20-week weight-loss program in Spain. There was no significant difference in caloric intake or energy expenditure. Those who ate their lunch before 3 pm lost an average of 22 pounds in 20 weeks, while those who dined later only lost about 17 pounds.

Those who had a later lunch also showed signs of lower insulin levels. Researchers predict that it is the way glucose is processed that makes the difference. According to USA Today, sugar is processed differently depending on the time of day it is consumed. The weight loss may also be due to the circadian system, or the body’s clock. Eating later may disrupt the proper function of the liver and fat cells.

There’s No Substitute for Healthy Eating

Just because you may eat an earlier lunch, doesn’t mean you can skip the rule of eating healthy. Stick with lean meats like turkey and watch out for added ingredients like bacon, mayo, and cheese that can really pack on the calories. If you’re going with a salad, make sure you stick with the lighter salad dressings and stay away from those that are high in fat and creamy.